Friday, 11 December 2009

Christmas Update with Linda Evans

Hello! My name is Linda Evans and I am a member here at Swansea People First. We have done a lot of things in the last couple of months and I am proud to have been a part of them.

Myself, Project Coordinator Lynn Coleman, Learning Disability Nurse Kim Walker and Aleanna Ledger from the Community Support Team went to Singleton Hospital to talk about training student nurses on how to deal with patients with learning disabilities.

In January we will be spending time in the staff canteen to chat and issue leaflets to develop awareness.

I also attended the 'Breast Awareness' Training Course that Swansea People First ran in November. It was the first time I found out how to check myself and because of this my interest in the course grew.

Through this course I became involved in training and talking the public on 'Breast Awareness' and learning to check yourself.

Recently I went to Newport for the Learning Disability Wales Conference 'Feel Good, Stay Well' to do a presentation and demonstration using a step counter to see how many steps I was taking each day.

We also looked at the effects of alcohol on the body organs.

I very much enjoyed this and hope to be involved in further courses in the future.

From all of us at Swansea People First, have a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Linda x